Page 5 - Keeping Hawaii Seafood Sustainable

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The Hawaii longline
fishery has a track
record of precautionary
conservation measures.
First limited entry
pelagic fishery in the U.S.
First pelagic fishery
in the U.S. to require daily
logbook reporting.
Longline fishing
exclusionary zones set up
around Hawaii.
Fishery observers
placed on vessels to
monitor protected species
First U.S. fishery to
require vessel tracking using
satellite technology.
Shark finning was
Became the only Pacific
fishery with a fleet limit on
sea turtle interactions.
Established the
most extensive government
fishery observer program
of any Pacific longline
fishery (100% of swordfish
trips and more than 20%
of tuna trips).
This fishery operates under a model fishery management system.
With every aspect of the fishery strictly regulated, closely
monitored and tightly enforced, it is a model for sustainable
pelagic fisheries worldwide.
• Transparent and inclusive stake-
holder involvement in development
of regulations.
• Fishing capacity is capped under
the Hawaii longline vessel limited
entry system.
• Strict and mandatory measures
limiting protected species bycatch.
• Habitat protection through environ-
mental standards for fishing vessels.
Performance of the fishery
management system.
None of the pelagic fish populations
harvested are overfished. Hawaii’s
fishery is doing its part to eliminate
overfishing on Pacific bigeye tuna.
Ecosystem impacts are constantly
being assessed and managers,
scientists and the fishing sector are
working together on solutions.
Substantial and verifiable reductions
of protected species interactions and
finfish bycatch have been achieved.
Consumers can use sustainable
Hawaii Seafood with confidence.
The Hawaii longline fishery has achieved
a high level of compliance with United
Nations FAO Code of Conduct for
Responsible Fisheries, U.S. National
Standards for sustainable fishery
management implemented by the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration Fisheries Service and
the Western Pacific Regional Fishery
Management Council, as well as
international conservation and manage-
ment measures adopted by the
Western and Central Pacific Fisheries
Commission and the Inter-American
Tropical Tuna Commission.
Supporting the Hawaii Seafood
Sustainability Statement
Greater detail on the basis of the
Sustainability Statement can be found
in the Hawaii Seafood Sustainability
Wilson Lau
Photo: NOAA Observer Project