Page 8 - Hawaii Seafood Buyers Guide

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The signs of a good quality bottomfish are:
• body stiff, straight, and firm;
• skin colors natural and bright with no fading or bleach spots;
• fins not split;
• scales intact;
• eyes convex, clear, and firm; and,
• gills red with no odor.
Most of the bottomfish catch is landed as whole, iced fish, so that buyers can assess fish quality by
examining the clarity of the eyes, the color of the gills and body firmness.
Species Descriptions
Readers are referred to the following sections of the Guide for further information about the best
known and most available of Hawaii’s diverse fishes. Four species of tuna, four species of billfish,
four other open ocean species, and four species of bottomfish are described.
Aku (Katsuwonus pelamis)
Skipjack Tuna
French: Bonite A Ventre Raye
German: Echter Bonito
Italian: Tonnetto Striato
Spanish: Listado, Barrilete
Japanese: Katsuo
Hawaii names: Aku
Ahi, Bigeye (Thunnus obesus)
Bigeye Tuna
French: Thon Obese
German: Grossaugenthun
Italian: Tonno Obeso
Spanish: Patudo
Japanese: Mebachi
Hawaii names: ‘Ahi po‘o nui; ‘Ahi
Tombo (Thunnus alalunga)
Albacore Tuna
French: Germon
German: Weisser Thun
Italian: Tonno Bianco, Alalonga
Spanish: Albacora, Atun Blanco
Japanese: Bincho; Binnaga; Tombo
Hawaii names: ‘Ahipalaha
Ahi, Yellowfin
(Thunnus albacares)
Yellowfin Tuna
French: Albacore
German: Gelbflossenthun
Italian: Tonno Albacora
Spanish: Rabil
Japanese: Kihada
Hawaii names: ‘Ahi
Shutome (Xiphias gladius)
Broadbill Swordfish
French: Espadon
German: Schwertfisch
Italian: Pesce Spada
Spanish: Pez Espada
Japanese: Mekajiki
Hawaii names: A‘u ku; A‘u
Hebi (Tetrapturus angustirostris)
Shortbill Spearfish
French: Makaire A Rostre Court
German: Speerfisch
Italian: Aguglia Imperiale
Spanish: Marlin
Japanese: Fuuraikajiki
Hawaii names: A‘u